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Mindful Wellbeing & Performance
Measuring Mindfulness
Pre-Course Assessment
Getting Started
Course Objectives
Course Contents
Coaching and Support
I. Introduction to Mindfulness
Master Class Materials
An Old Brain in a New World
3 Modern Perspectives
3 Attention Skills
5 Neural Exercises
9 Attitudes of Mindfulness
Establishing a Practice
Guided Exercises I
Progress Exam
II. Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Why This Matters
An Epidemic of Chronic Stress
Relieving Stress
Reframing Stress
Guided Exercises II
Progress Exam
III. Reducing Distraction and Attention Deficit
Why This Matters
Information Overload
Attention Engineering
Digital Distraction
Guided Exercises III
Progress Exam
IV. Adapting to Change and Uncertainty
Why This Matters
Craving Certainty
The VUCA World
Agile and Adaptable
Guided Exercises IV
Progress Exam
V. A Positive and Growth Mindset
Positivity and Engagement
Cultivating a Growth Mindset
Positive States and Traits
Guided Exercises V
VI. Developing Social and Emotional Intelligence
Why This Matters
Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Guided Exercises VI
Progress Exam
VII. Communication and Collaboration
Why This Matters
Deep Listening
Objective Dialogue
Cultivating Intuition
Guided Exercises VII
Progress Exam
VIII. Mental Toughness, Grit and Resilience
Why This Matters
Mindset and Reactivity
Grit and Resilience
Guided Exercises VIII
Progress Exam
Certification Exam
Section I - The Nature of Mindfulness
Section II - The Science of Mindfulness
Section III - The Practice of Mindfulness
Section IV - Mindful Wellbeing
Agile and Adaptable
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